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Human Resources
Experienced and valuable personnel who are open to development work in our company. Although the duties and positions of each individual are different, they work with a team spirit and act as a whole.
It is an honor for us to apply for a job in our company, which is open to meet new faces and ideas. To apply for a job, you can send your CV to us via e-mail.
In case of open position and need, your knowledge and skills will be researched and discussed, regardless of closeness and interest. Working with every individual who is loaded with knowledge and experience and who has an open horizon deserves respect for us and is a matter of honor.
Applications for internships are still continuing in the fields where our company provides active service. If you send your CV to our company by e-mail, it will be evaluated and if deemed appropriate, you will be contacted.
E-mail : info@hesaplus.com
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